Why were these inter spaced with poster cards of type 2 is an outstanding question.
First we look at 290270 - 290274
290270 Superman (Mike Schmidt) 1987
Mike Schmidt wearing a Superman tee shirt. Worthpoint dates this issue as 1986. We think it may be 1987 since Ohio Flyer (290269) and Lethal Weapon (290871) are both locked in as 1987.
https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/mike-schmidt-superman-phillies-nike-poster-36x22-1 |
290871 Lethal Weapon (Howie Long) 1987
Defensive end for the Oakland/LA Raiders Long won the super bowl in 1984. In this poster we see Howie Long mimicking the box office hit of the spring of 1987 "Lethal Weapon"
Multiple sources date this poster as 1987 including the 1994 Nike / Upper Deck card set so this date is firm.
290872 Supreme Court II**
** added Feb 2021 see blog #63
Appears in the Sept 1988 catalog
290273 Mr. Barkley (Charles Barkley) 1988
Barkley shooting the basketball.
290273 Mr. Barkley (Charles Barkley) 1988
Barkley shooting the basketball.
Appears in the 1988 catalog
290874 Best on Earth / Best on Mars (MJ and Spike Lee) 1988
Probably the most popular of the Jordan / Spike Lee poster. The 1988 date is firm based on several references and the date on the 1991 Nike Jordan/Lee poster card set. This was also produces as a type 3 poster card in 1991/92
290874 Best on Earth / Best on Mars (MJ and Spike Lee) 1988
Probably the most popular of the Jordan / Spike Lee poster. The 1988 date is firm based on several references and the date on the 1991 Nike Jordan/Lee poster card set. This was also produces as a type 3 poster card in 1991/92
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