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Monday, June 22, 2020

28 NIKE Poster Cards Type 4 290877 - 290882

The grouping of Type 4 poster cards from 290877 to 290882 includes two iconic posters ; Agassi's "Ace of Hearts" and Bo Jacksons "Ball Player. The dates for all 4 of these are locked in solid as 1988.

290877 Strange Days  (Curtis Strange)   1988 

290878 Ian Rush  1988

Welsh soccer star Ian Rush signed with Nike as their first soccer player in 1982. Rush was a Liverpool Soccer forward, all time goal scorer,  who played for them from 1980 - 1987 and 1988 - 1996. He signed on with Juventis of the Italian League for 1986/87 season then returned to Liverpool. The presence of his stripped Ariston shirt tells us that this poster is from his year in the Italian league and fits as 1988.

290879    Ace of Hearts ( Andre Agassi)   1988

Agassi leaning on his 1957 T-Bird in front of the Las Vegas strip.

Its 1988 date of issuance is firm based on sealed poster info and its presence in the Sept 1988 Nike poster catalog.

290882 The Ball Player  (Bo Jackson)  1988

 The iconic Ballplayer poster while Jackson was playing for the Oakland Raiders and the Kansas City Royals. The printing date of 1988 is on he lower left corner of the poster.

comment added 07/2021 - the date is only on the poster, not the poster card !

lower left corner of poster

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